The Re-Random Contest

Welcome to the Re-Random Contest (RRC). This is a contest inspired by the late Neopets Random Contest, which was discontinued in 2015. The Re-Random Contest runs once a month, each time with a completely random theme! You might be asked to draw, write, program, cook, or... well... anything. Hopefully this means that everybody will be able to participate once, as everybody has different talents.


The rules are simple and mostly common sense. To write them out:


The Re-Random Contest has some excellent prizes! Since we can't give out a trophy or an avatar, we had to make our NP prizes even better. Here is what you can get for winning:

All winners will be archived on this website, where they will live on in eternal fame and glory.

How to Enter

Submit your entry by emailing all relevant photos, links, and files to, with the subject "RRC Entry". (Don't worry - this is my own private email address, and your email address will not be shared with anyone. Or even looked at, really.) Before you submit your entry, review this checklist:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What information of mine will be displayed in the archive if I win?
A: Your entry will be displayed. Your reddit username and neopets username will not be displayed. In other words, all entries displayed on the website will be anonymous.

Q: What will happen if I win?
A: If you win, you'll be notified via a reddit private message that you've won, and asked to set up and provide a link to a junk trade so that we can deliver your prizes.

Q: Why do I need a reddit account?
A: This is how we notify the winners that they've won - through reddit PM. We don't talk about this contest on Neopets.

Past Winners

None yet! But this is where the link to the archives will be when the RRC gets a little older.


Click here to go to the current Re-Random Contest!